Thursday, October 23, 2014

Juxtaposition Demonstrated Through AP Prompt Passage and Arrow

Juxtaposition is a literary device that places two often unrelated and contrasting words or descriptions in close proximity in the text in order to create significance. This is often done thorough characters being described in opposing manners or having heavily contrasting aspects to their identity—both physical and mental. The author does this to draw the reader's attention to these details. The reader will often have to look into these aspects deeper in order to understand why two concepts so different are positioned so close in context. This investigation by the reader will consistently lead the reader to a more important meaning and theme the author has intended for in there text as well as specifically in a character in some cases. 

In the recent AP prompt, the author creates juxtaposition in a dentist, McTeague. McTeague is impressive physically, but he lacks mental intelligence. This contrast is created to illuminate the theme that McTeague is trying to be something he is not. A man of such character should not be a dentist but would be expected to be a soldier or construction worker instead. However, McTeague continues to attempt to be something that he will never fully achieve. 

In the television series Arrow, juxtaposition is initially created in the main protagonist. When Oliver Queen returns from being on an island for 5 years, he is a changed man becomes a vigilante. He has become a responsible and deeply concened man; however, he attempts to show himself to be the same irresponsible, selfish, and uncaring person his was in his past in order to protect those he cares. The contrast in his two personalities that he switches between allows the audience to truly see how much he has changed since the watchers have no complete insight to his life before the island. This change is an important part in the series as a whole as well as the theme of guilt that is present. Juxtaposition is employed in Arrow in order to reveal and accentuate the change in Oliver Queen. 

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